Sean Pages Recalls Maggz Smoking So Much He Thought Would Have A Seizure On Stage

Sean Pages Recalls Maggz Smoking So Much He Thought Would Have A Seizure On Stage. Artists before getting on stage are known to either have a few drinks or a puff or two ahead of their performances. This, however, is not something that is practised by all artists. Taking a substance before a performance can either give an artist the edge that they need or can end up being a cringeworthy moment for the artist, their team and those watching the performance.
Rapper and producer Sean Pages, who has been in the music streets for years has seen some things during his time in the game. He recently shared a moment from the past about rapper Maggz, that had him scared for a moment. Sean Pages and Maggz have quite the relationship, the two were even a part of the Glitz Gang, so they have been in each other’s lives and witnessed things. Taking to Twitter, Sean recalled how Maggz had to learn, the lesson about not having too much weed before a gig.

Sean tweeted about how Maggz once smoked so many blunts and got on stage and things did not go very well. Sean explained that Maggz even had cottonmouth, which meant he was most likely not sounding right during the performance. “There was a time this nigga smoked wayyyyy too many blunts, wayyyyyyyyy too many blunts and got on stage ka cotton mouth,” tweeted. Sean Pages went to recall how he and those around were scared and thought Maggz would catch a seizure during the performance. “We were so scared thinking man gon catch a seizure any minute now,” he added.
Sean Pages went on to share that incidents like Maggz and Le Rell, who got too drunk and made a mess on stage, scribbled a rule book. Le had too many tequila shots before getting on stage and it turned into a mess. A rule on indulging before showtime was definitely added. “Just take warn up puffs nyana or shot/drinks to calm the nerves but that’s it,” he added. The rapper in his tweets admitted that these are the hard lessons that they had to learn early in their careers and went on to advise young artists to have someone in their team who sometimes keep them in check. “Young artists, get atleast one grootman in your team. Im looking at this thread and realize we didnt have the luxury of having a big homey to keep us in check from these things, we had to learn the hardway ourselves,” he tweeted.