Duncan Claims Artists Pay For YouTube Views

Duncan Claims Artists Pay For YouTube Views. Artists often are able to reach a million views on YouTube within a few days. This is caused by various reasons such as fans really enjoying the video and replaying it several times, however rapper Duncan doesn’t seem to believe that it is always the case. The Durban MC recently took to social media to share his views on artists achieving a million views. Duncan in his post went on to reveal that sometimes in order to reach high video plays a little assistance is needed.
The award-winning rapper in his post gave his followers a mini-lesson about paid media and how artists use it to their benefit to trend on platforms. Duncan had his followers intrigued by what he had to say and certainly wanted to know more, some were not convinced that he is telling the truth. The SA Hip Hop artist also was willing to give his followers the answers that they needed and prove that he was not lying about what he wrote about. In his post, Duncan wrote, “Enye into ningakhohliswa ilama artist ashaya ama 1million views in 2 or 3 days iyakhokhelwa yonke leyanto.” (Another thing, don’t be fooled by these artists who hit 1 million views I. 2 or 3 days, that is paid for, all of it”)

Duncan also spoke to his followers about how Twitter trends work, often influencers on social media are paid a fee to promote something, at times it may be information about a new song release. “Even to trend on Twitter you pay for that sh!t ??” wrote the rapper. As people went on to remark that Duncan was telling false information, he went on to explain that he had no reason to lie. The rapper also clarified that not all artists pay for views or to trend on platforms. “Kubalulekile ukulalela abantu abaphambili ngoba basuke baz bakhuluma ngan,anginaso isizathu sokuniqambela amanga iqiniso elimsulwa leli enginitshela Lona niyolizwa 1day noma ngenani kwi youtube ni search nizothola,” he further explained.

Duncan may know a thing or two about how the industry works, having been in the game for several years he certainly has picked up some knowledge. The rapper recently dropped a joint project with Zakwe, titled by their names. The duo, four months ago dropped the music video for their song, Kapteni, the song is currently sitting on over 346K views on YouTube.