Makwa Puts Upcoming Umshubhelo Festival Organisers On Blast

Makwa Puts Upcoming Umshubhelo Festival Organisers On Blast. Record producer and rapper has taken to social media to put on blast organisers for the upcoming Umshubhelo Festival. The music festival has seen some of the biggest Hip Hop acts perform at the festival which has been held at various locations in Ekurhuleni. The event was originally a concept of RapLyf. Makwa alleges to have come up with the uMshubhelo name and uMshubhelo Festival. The new organizers for the festival have recently announced a new date for the festival which will take place later this year.
Makwa took to social media to reveal that he is fighting with the organizers of the 2021 festival as they are now running the event giving due compensation to those who originally created the event. In his post, Makwa explained that he came up with the idea of doing an event in Katlehong and only received one payment for his work. “This Time around I’m fighting back, I came up with an idea of Doing a Festival in K1 and I only got paid once.” wrote Makwa. In his tweet, Makwa went on to explain that now he is trying to claim his project and a capitalist is trying to capitalize on his concept. The rapper has not yet revealed the names of the individuals to who he is directing his words.

Makwa also explained that he is also taking the legal route in an effort to get the matter resolved. “Some People think I’m broke and I can’t put on a legal fight,” he tweeted. He has also encouraged his fans and followers not to attend the event until he has sorted the debacle. Makwa also went live on Instagram and shared that until he fixes the nonsense people should not attend the event. He also revealed that he has intentions to file a lawsuit against the organisers, according to the rapper the lawsuit will be the biggest in Hip Hop or event history. Makwa has also alleged that the event is a scam.
In a Facebook post, Makwa explained that the event’s poster comes after he shared a post about wanting to bring uMshubhelo Festival back and the post also reiterates that this time he is not taking the matter lying down. “Not This Time around, Ng’yala!!! This is my Shit uMshubhelo is my shit. I’m not going to cry on the corner ngi ngale into yami whilst I got money to fight for it,” read his post. One person who is in Makwa’s corner in his fight against the unidentified indivuals is Nota who shared on Instagram, “Give to Makwa what belongs to Makwa”.