Nasty C’s Official DJ Reveals His Thoughts On That BET Hip Hop Cypher

Nasty C’s Official DJ Reveals His Thoughts On That BET Hip Hop Cypher. BET Africa most certainly got the masses talking with a cypher that they broadcasted called ‘Amapiano Hip Hop Cypher. The name of the cypher had fans of SA Hip Hop not too impressed with the direction they took for the cypher. The channel has previously broadcast cyphers and they have been well received by viewers. After all who doesn’t enjoy hearing rappers layout dope verses where they show off their stellar rap skills. The 2020 Amapiano Hip Hop Cypher featured renowned SA Hip Hop artist, Reason and Amapiano artists Young Stunna and Buxxi Lee. Reason’s addition to the cypher was not well received by fans with the rapper even having to respond to the backlash.
Nasty C’s official DJ, 1Audiomarc, who is a known Hip Hop enthusiast has shared his opinion on the hot topic. The Hip Hop artist seems to have not been impressed with what he got to watch. The SA Hip Hop scene is evolving and more rappers are jumping on to the Amapiano wave. This is most likely why BET choose to name the cypher what did. A Twitter user who watched the cypher shortly after 1Auidomarc, tweeted his reaction was also not feeling the vibe the cypher was giving. The DJ explained to the tweep, that is what the channel thinks is the best representation of SA Hip Hop in 2021 and according to him, clearly, they are losing it.

BET broadcasted two different cyphers one is called, Amapiano Hip Hop and the second one is simply called BET Hip Hop 2021. The latter one features South Ah’s hottest rapper at the moment, Blxckie. Audiomarc has no issues with that one. Blxckie features alongside two other African rappers. Audiomarc also shared his review of that cypher and he thought Blxckie did well. Audiomarc just was not feeling the Amapiano cypher. It seems the SA Hip Hop community is not ready to fully embrace the change in the genre and still would like certain things to remain in place. Many cypher fans can’t seem to forget that high standard that was set by rappers Nasty C and Shane Eagle the year they participated.

Reason may have received a bit of backlash for his participation in the Amapiano Hip Hop cypher but he is not bothered as he was doing something that he has always done which is he has always done. “Honestly, I didn’t know it would be called that. But I also don’t understand why you would want to crucify ME for it being called that. I’m not @MTVBaseSouth,” tweeted the rapper.