‘SA Hip Hop Is Dead Coz Of Me’ – Flex Rabanyan Alleges

‘SA Hip Hop Is Dead Coz Of Me’ – Flex Rabanyan Alleges. Flex Rabanyan is speaking his truth and he has a lot of to get off his chest, regarding all that he has experienced since he won, season two of SA Hip Hop talent search show, Vuzu Hustle. The rapper recently took to social media and lifted the lid on who sabotaged his career. Flex Rabanyan had quite a promising career after winning the show, however, things did not take off for him as planned. Flex’s career has unfortunately been filled with more bad headlines than smash hits.
The rapper is looking to tell his story on one of South Ah’s popular podcasts but in the meantime, he is opening up on social media about being backlisted. Flex is ready to lay it all out and he is even claiming that after speaking his truth he might become a target for assassination. The rapper has made bold accusations and even revealed that he feels that SA Hip Hop is dead because of him. The ‘SA Hip Hop is dead’ conversation is ongoing and no one person has been attributed as being behind the downfall of the genre.

Flex has also alleged that the South African music industry is going to shake because of what he has to say. Flex has told his fans and followers that he is speaking out because he has nothing to lose. “After I get on the podcast and speak, the South African music industry will shake. I might also be a target for assassination afterwards but it’s okay. It’s better than feeling like I let down 2 million people. I feel like SA Hip Hop is dead coz of me,” tweeted the rapper. Flex has also gotten candid with his followers about just how bad things have gotten for him. Flex even shinned the spotlight on hp badly his latest single has been performing.
Flex dropped a track called Mawengane, which was released in August. Flex shared that the song had 0 plays on Spotify. The amount of plays has increased to 1000 since Flex tweeted about its low performance on Spotify. “My latest song “Mawengane” still on 0 plays on Spotify. A career literally can’t fail more than this. Might as well speak my truth, if I die I die.” tweeted the rapper. Flex has not yet confirmed when the public will hear the rest of the details of his explosive story. His fans are however patiently waiting to hear more about his claims that Vuzu Hustle worked hand-in-glove with African Star Communications and MNet staff to sabotage his career.