Singer Donald Names His Top 3 Most Consistent SA Rappers In the Last Decade

Singer Donald Names His Top 3 Most Consistent SA Rappers In the Last Decade. Award-winning singer Donald has been in the industry for several years and has built a solid reputation for himself as one of the best vocalists in the country. Donald has one of the strongest fanbases and often takes to social media to engage with them about various topics. He recently shared his views on the most consistent artists in SA in the last decade. Among the artists name that Donald named, there were three members of the SA Hip Hop community listed. In his tweet, Donald remarked that music game is not for the faint hearted and him and these artists have managed to stay in the game despite the twists and turns of the journey.
Rappers K.O, AKA and Khuli Chana were named by the Love I Deserve hitmaker as being among the most consistent artist of the decade in South Ah. Donald also included artists, Zakes Bantwini, Mi Casa, Zonke and himself. The post certainly got people talking especially since other names of artists were not included by the singer. Donald explained that he only mentioned individuals that blew up or dominated within the last 10 years. “Me, AKA, KO, Micasa, Khuli Chana, Zakes Bantwini & Zonke have been the most consistent artists of the decade in SA, this game is not for the faint hearted, dong let them lie to you. Gwanyewa mo,” shared Donald.

This is not the first time, K.O is being listed as one of the most consistent artists in the country, most recently media persoanlity Sizwe Dhlomo took to the Twitter streets to share his view on K.O. Sizwe’s remarks came after the release of K.O’s newwest single, Playback. “K.O is now the most consistent rapper in SA,” tweeted Sizwe at the time. On Donald’s post several K.O fan once again agreed that K.O is certainly among the most consistent artists.
Cassper not being credited by Donald certainly did not sit well with some Twitter users and they certainly took to the comments to expres their disatisfaction. “Cassper & Phori have been consistent you like them or not but ke nnete,” wrote one Tweep. Another one exclaimed that Cassper was purposefully left out to be spicy. “It’s not so much about who was included, but who was excluded,” remarked one tweep. Donald’s post certainly ruffled feathers and the singer even exclaimed that some people are sleeping late because of his tweet. Donald also joked at the backlash and explained that at the end, who cares what he thinks, after all he is just an artist who fell off.