Slik Talk? No Sick Talk! A Dig At Nasty C

Slik Talk? No Sick Talk! A Dig At Nasty C. Talk about a real definition of someone who simply speaks their mind and who doesn’t mince his words or hold on to anything, Slik Talk is one of a kind. This is someone who doesn’t have a stop sign to what he says. The popular Youtuber has caught many people’s attention due to some of his sleek commentaries which most people have deemed sick talk rather.
Social media went amock when most people realized that Podcast and Chill With MacG will be hosting the controversial Mzansi showbiz commentary. The vexed Youtuber went on and took a dig at some of the most prominent SA Hip hop artists. One thing he made sure of saying during the podcast was mentioning the good work that have been done by A-Reece.
He was asked who does he pay attention to in the SA Hip hop game, without any hesitation, the funny yet controversial Slik mentioned A-Reece. “So Who do you f**k with?” He responded, “A-Reece, TheBoyDoingThings, Just listen to my videos at the end and you will know, i like Paradise, Paradise is fire.”
During the conversation, he was also asked if A-Reece is always good. Not being biased towards his favourite rapper, Slik Talk made it clear that A-Reece can do wrong but he is clearly the best artist. “He can do wrong, but he is a dope rapper, thats all i know.”
Nonetheless, Slik never hold back at taking a dig at Nasty C yet again. Sometime ago, Slik mentioned that the “Hell Naw” chanter was in love with a gold digger.
“Nasty C is in love with a gold digger, someone who’s a natural born failure. Sammie Heavens is someone who has achieved absolutely nothing in life, this is somebody who has done absolutely nothing for herself this is somebody who has been eating off of her parents, this is somebody who has been eating off of Nasty C for years… What does she contribute to the table?”
This time around during the Podcast and Chill interview the same conversation was brought onto the table. And he stood with what he has said before about Sammie Heavens being a gold digger.
“She is a gold digger in my view.” What value is she bringing to the relationship that’s what I meant?” What value are you bringing to this podcast? numbers.”
“Lets say this, JayZ is JayZ, but Beyonce is bringing something to the table right?” “That’s what I mean.” You have to bring something not I’m chilling at home and you are working, what value are you bringing?”
“Let me tell you something, the goal for somebody like a Sammie is to get pregnant at the end of the day thats what it is.” “The goal is to get pregnant, and its going to happen one day, and hopefully i catch her, thats the goal for Sammie.” Slik Talk said during the Podcast and Chill interview.