DJ Ready D Bags The Hennessy Wall Of Fame Award

DJ Ready D Bags The Hennessy Wall Of Fame Award. Ready D’s hip hop path parallels the period of South Africa’s hip hop movement. The prominent DJ has been a massive and notable contributor in South African and beyond boarders. Several sources have named him one of the top thirty Hip Hop DJs in the world, credit to his level of consistency and commitment to the hip hop culture and the music space at large.

His Hip hop activism in the hey days has not gone unnoticed and to this very day he has gained so much respect in various societies of the culture. DJ Ready D has taken time to celebrate his recognition from Hennessy after receiving the wall of fame award. This is one of the honors awarded to those who have contributed so much in SA hip hop throughout the years. This time around, the honors goes to D!
“The journey is bigger than us. Being acknowledged for each step taken on the path is encouraging. The interludes & short stops help us to gain perspective&replenish our energy with hopes and prayers that we may be blessed to continue as we reach for life,bliss and happiness. D” Tweeted DJ Ready D.
D has gained popularity by playing hip hop music in clubs, and introducing the art of hip hop mixing to numerous previously untapped markets, including major music festivals around South Africa. In preparation for Heritage Month this year, DJ Ready D launched his much anticipated album Ghoema. The DJ, believed that the album’s release is timely since the tracks reveal a lot about his background and the heritage of the country.
The album features Youngsta CPT, Patty Monroe, BliksemStraal & Amigo, Jerome Rex, Jabulani Majola and was co-produced by Quintin Christian and DJ Azhul. The prominent DJ mentioned that his album is all about connecting different people that resides in Mzansi at the same time making them be aware of the heritage of the country.
“This is a good opportunity to connect communities through music and tell people about our heritage.” “This is a Southern African sound that’s been around for over 100 years. The music is usually associated with new year celebrations in Cape Town.” Ready D said.