DJ Ready D Reveals The State Of Hip hop Culture In Cape Town

DJ Ready D Reveals The State Of Hip hop Culture In Cape Town. DJ Ready D’s influence in the South African hip hop industry has not gone undetected, as evidenced by his accolades and the good reputation in culture. DJ Ready D has played a significant role in uplifting the hip hop culture at the same time propelling the game in Capetown to a whole new level.

The prominent DJ has shared the current state of Hip hop culture in Cape Town. This came after one Twitter user revealed that they want to visit the hip hop scene in the iconic city. “I wanna visit Cape Town for the hip hop scene one day.” Sure. The scene is still very healthy down here. The culture is strong with all the elements being practiced. DJ Ready D responded.
The Twitter user gave the prominent DJ some props along with the hip hop culture in Cape Town indicating that People like DJ Ready D have contributed to make sure that Hip hop in Cape remain strong despite the “SA hip hop is Dead” talk.
“That’s why CPT was unphazed when HipHop music declined in SA. All the elements are practiced not just the one that brings money. And as you said its a culture, for the rest its a means to an end.”
DJ Ready D’s Hip Hop advocacy during its heyday did not disappoint, and he has earned a great deal of respect in numerous cultures to this day. Recently the DJ was honored with a Wall of Fame Award from Hennessy South Africa. This is one of the awards given to people who have made significant contributions to South African hip hop for so many years.