Producer Makwa Shares How He Feel Towards His Music Career

Producer Makwa Shares How He Feel Towards His Music Career. SA hip hop producer Makwa has always been caught up in several swindles in his hip hop career. He has had his own fair share of ups and downs that comes within the industry. He has also revealed how the recreational drug combination Lean has harmed his physical and emotional wellbeing. But all that did not take away the musical genius that he possess in the rap game.

Recently the prominent hip hop producer shared a massive revelation about what he is going through in his musical career. Makwa shared on his Instagram story that he feel betrayed with the music industry and everything that comes with it. Music Look What you’ve done to me. You just switched up on me. Left me with regrets and $h*t. He wrote.

With all that Makwa has contributed throughout his musical journey, the prominent hip hop producer received his flowers from Kid X after “Mtano Muntu” went platinum. The producer also shareed the reason why he has never owned a Platinum after all the work he has done in the hip hop industry.
“This should’ve been one of my plaques but it is my first plaque out of all the HITS I made. They told me to buy it but I refused for a long time until my brother @KiDXsa pull up with one for me. MtanoMuntu went Platinum @KiDXsa thank You big bro.” Tweeted Makwa. Makwa’s dynamic contribution in the SA hip hop will never go unnoticed and a gesture from KidX to Makwa is what South Ah hip hop game is really in need of right now.