“All That Flexing Gon’ Get You In Big Trouble,” AKA Discloses His Hefty Income Tax Payment

“All That Flexing Gon’ Get You In Big Trouble,” AKA Discloses His Hefty Income Tax Payment. AKA has endured many moments of bliss in his hip hop career. Not only his music has enabled him to be a successful artist. The rapper has managed to sign endorsement deals with major brands in the entertainment industry.

The rapper had endorsement and business deals with major brands like Vodka, WWE, and Comedy Central Roast. He has managed to save some money through these transactions. To some, The Supermega might be considered irresponsible with his words, but the rapper has shown much responsibility when it comes to managing his finances.
Taking to Instagram, The Supermega shared a screenshot of his hefty income tax that clearly showed that the Victory Lap hitmaker does not owe any money to the Government of South Africa. The rapper went on and send a warning to some of his peers who are on a spending spree avoiding to pay their dues to the Government.
“Woke up this morning and I don’t owe the government a damn thang. Hallelujah ?? … (oh yes you read correctly, that is 5 MILLION … in tax, no kizzy, no ?) …” Wrote AKA.

AKA’s scandals with his late fiance Anele threatened some of his endorsement deals with his deal with his biggest endorsement, with the New York-based Vodka company Cruz Vodka, being paused. Cruz Vodka’s statement structured everything as momentary, and AKA had to step down as brand ambassador out of respect for Anele’s memory. But according to his recent financial statement, the Megacy is still financially stable.