“His Music Is Not Influential,” Rashid Kay Discloses Cassper’s Impact In SA Hip hop

“His Music Is Not Influential,” Rashid Kay Discloses Cassper’s Impact In SA Hip hop. It’s not a coincidence that Cassper has was named Artist Of The Decade at the SAHHA. His impact in SA hip hop does not only come from the music but his ability to secure major endorsement deals has elevated him to be one of the best rappers in the game.

The ‘Tito Mboweni’ hitmaker has mostly garnered a huge following for being the face of rap music in South Ah, but how he has elevated his way to the top has been a major factor in influencing others. During a Masterclass Podcast episode, Rashid Kay disclosed that Cassper’s business moves and the deals he has secured brought so much impact and influence to his SA hip hop game. He further revealed that he cannot say the same about his music.
“As a hustler as a businessman, I think everyone would love to be where Cassper is that’s business-wise, we don’t know his bank balance but his business moves you know I would love to be in that position I won’t lie,” he said.
“His moves inspire me, I wouldn’t say the same about his music, but as a businessman that’s where I would love to see myself,” he explained.
Rashid also went on and said the same about US rapper Jay-Z. He revealed that his music is not influential compared to the late 2Pac but his business deals have made him the person he is. “Pac is longevity and timelessness, there are 2000s kids who were born when Pac was already dead but they listen to Pac he is that powerful his music speak for itself,” he said.
“Jay Z it’s not the music, it’s the status now, he is a billionaire, he is married to Beyonce, it’s not about his music, with 2Pac it’s about his music that is influential,” said Rashid.