
SA Rappers Who Have Opened Up About Their Battle With Depression

SA Rappers Who Have Opened Up About Their Battle With Depression. Many musicians who have suffered from depression have spoken out about their experiences. Rappers who are depressed come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some well-known rappers who were depressed self-medicated with drugs and alcohol, while others sought help from therapists or treatment centres. Some well-known rappers who have struggled with depression have even written songs about it.

Who will you find on this list of SA rappers who have suffered from depression? We go over a list of South African hip hop stars who have opened up on their mental illness, with some surviving and others succumbing.


SA Rappers Who Have Opened Up About Their Battle With Depression

AKA has revealed that he suffers from clinical depression. The Super Soft singer opened up about being put on depression medication on his Instagram stories. He posted a photo of the antidepressant Wellbutrin XL 150, which is used to treat major depressive disorder and aid in smoking. “I was diagnosed with clinical depression many many months ago.” 

The rapper further revealed that he was unable to cope with how anti-depressants numbed his pain. “I couldn’t handle them. They made me feel like I couldn’t feel anything, so I got off them. Plus my whole job is to feel,” added AKA.

AKA then went on to say that anyone suffering from depression should not give up. “To anybody reading this, just hang in there. Trust me,” said The Supermega. The father of one also revealed that his fiancee Anele Tembe’s death left him with significant emotional trauma.


K.O has been a massive contributor to the SA hip hop culture but the rapper has endured massive trauma all in the name of making good music for his fans. As he prepared to release his second solo album, 2017’s SR2, K.O. was burdened by the dissolution of his label Cashtime Life. The departure of his artists and audiences faulted him for valuing his music over the artists signed to the label at the time.

Mr Cashtime opened up about everything that was causing him to be depressed via an Instagram video. “Nothing ever works out if your heart is not in a happy place,” he said. “Let me tell you why; looking at the Cashtime debacle for instance and me being subjected to public opinion, those are all the things that influenced me when I was working on my second album, and it, unfortunately, diverted me into a space of depression. And listening to that album now, I can actually hear that guy was in a dark place,” said K.O.


We might familiarize Cassper as a rapper who enjoys being flamboyant flashing out his luxurious lifestyle, but not knowing the traumas under the skin. The singer, who has struggled with dark thoughts and depression, revealed how music helped him to overcome these demons.

The rapper urged his fans to never give up, no matter how hopeless the situation appeared to be. “I was broke as hell and depressed five years ago. My debut album dropped just five years ago. Today I am seen as an inspiration to all kinds of people. Black, white, young and old. I appreciate my life so much. Crazy what God can do in your life in just five years. Please don’t give up.” He said.

Riky Rick

Only if the people surrounding him could’ve known the magnitude of the demons he was fighting every day, maybe it was going to be a different story. Riky Rick spoke out about the alienating and dark SA music industry before his tragic demise. “You need to be strong to be in this industry because you’ll experience so much pain. More pain than you came in with. This industry is going to amplify that pain.” He said.

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