The Big Hash Lodges An Apology After Disappointing His Fans

The Big Hash Lodges An Apology After Disappointing His Fans. The Big Hash came out last month and promised his fans that he will be dropping a new song every week in February. The Sometimes hitmaker only managed to deliver to his promise once after he dropped Bigger Than Us featuring Lucasraps.

As promised, the fans were looking forward to a new song from the acclaimed rapper, but The Big Hash failed to deliver. Taking to Twitter, the rapper issued out an apology to his fans and he promised them that he will make it up to them this week with two new releases.
“To my fans, sorry for not releasing this past Friday…y’all don’t deserve that disappointment, but as a man, I’ll always put family over anything first. When I’m needed, I step up. I can’t go into detail about it right now, but this Friday, I’ll drop a 2 pack to make up for it. ❤” Tweeted The Big Hash.
It’s very unfortunate that The Big Hash’s apology was not received with forgiving hearts. His fans have always been behind him, but they were frustrated with the delays and disappointments from the rapper.
“Bro,?♂️ stop with the promises we vibe with your music fr, but you can’t keep on disappointing us like this. Aries had the worst mixing and mastering ever, you promised niggas merch but you ain’t giving e’m and I’ll bet a thousand bucks now that hb hotel won’t live up to the hype.” Responded one of his fans.
Despite failing to deliver to his promises, The Big Hash has fed SA hip hop with some great tunes in his album Aries: A Precursor to Heartbreak Hotel. The rapper has also managed to collaborate with big artists in SA hip hop. Artists such as Blxckie, YoungstaCPT Ayanda Jiya, Rowlene, and DaVionne have featured on his mixtape.