Blxckie Reveals The ‘Cheat Code’ To His Music’s Success

Blxckie Reveals The ‘Cheat Code’ To His Music’s Success. Since devoting himself to his craft, the South African rapper has been able to continuously deliver hit after hit with some of the country’s best performers. Blxckie has maintained contact with his cult-like fans, which has fueled the quick expansion of his music and hip hop fame.

Blxckie’s fans have been giving him props for delivering unique sounds that have led him to be the man of the moment in SA hip hop. Taking to Twitter, the rapper revealed the cheat code to the success of his music as he responded to one of the tweeps who advised rappers to know the audience which pays attention to their music.
“Rappers spend so much time trying to impress other men when having a female fanbase is the meal ticket.” Tweeted the unknown Twitter user. Blxckie went on and responded to the remarks as he attested that is his ‘cheat code’ to the success of his music.
Blxckie has dropped songs that have a taste appeal to ladies and that might have propelled him to be the star he is now. Blxckie’s breakthrough song for 2020 was “Big Time Shlappa,” a trap-fueled, catchy riff tune that catapulted him into the mainstream in a matter of days. He swiftly followed up with “Uppity,” which also turned out to be a hit.