Ambitiouz Records Responds To Intaba Yase Dubai’s R3 700 Monthly Salary Statement With Proof Of Payments

Ambitiouz Records Responds To Intaba Yase Dubai alleging that the record label pays him a R3 700 Monthly Salary, something that did not sit well with his fans who criticised the label for paying the well known musician very little remuneration, some even equating it to an intern stipend.
Not only did Ambitiouz react with shock but they also posted proof of payments to the artist which ranged from R20 000 to R50 000. Whilst this does salvage the label’s reputation it does however not dispel the uproar around the R3 700 as statements released by the label do indicate that this wasn’t the monthly salary but the bookings earnings something Intaba Yase Dubai already credited them for paying in a statement that read “The only money I have and survive with is R3, 700 which I receive from my Company every month of which I appreciate it since I’m from a rural place and a poor family and I need money so that my family can have something to eat, also the money I receive when I’m booked”
Here are the proof of payments posted by Ambitiouz Entertainment