Rouge Responds To Critics Following Plans To Collaborate With Lady Du

Rouge Responds To Critics Following Plans To Collaborate With Lady Du. Rouge has come out and revealed her plans to work on new music. The famed rapper has made it known that she is planning to engage artists from other genres and Lady Du has happened to be the pick for her.

The rapper revealed her plans to collaborate with Lady Du on Twitter, which drew criticism from some of her followers. “I NEED TO WORK WITH LADY DU,” tweeted Rouge. The rapper’s plans to feature amapiano cats have been heavily criticized on the timeline for degrading herself by collaborating with artists who are not of the same genre as hers.
“This is what happens when female raps at a higher grade level like you do, you start to settle for people who are not your peers lyrically…” Reads the tweet from one of her followers. Rouge went on and responded by pointing out the success of some of the work she has done without listening to people’s opinions.
“Lol hectic. I swear to God if I listened to talks like this. MBONGO ZAKA would have never happened. Chief I do not enter your kitchen and tell you how to cook. Please allow Artists to do them.” Responded Rouge.
The rapper has spoken so highly of most artists she worked with in the game. Rouge has always been a great rapper with hits including “Dlolo,” “celebrity,” and “Arumtumtum,” among others.