“Hip hop is American,” Emtee’s Statement Sparks Deep Debates About The Origin Of The Genre

“Hip hop is American,” Emtee’s Statement Sparks Deep Debates About The Origin Of The Genre. Even with all the documentaries and books on the origin of Hip Hop, the topic becomes a vast one when raised.
To get fans all up in their thumbs recently was Emtee who wrote that Hip Hop is American.
One of the things that can never be easily defeated are fans who are passionate about the subject and always eager to prove what they deem right and discard what they deem wrong.
Emtee’s statement led to major debates. When going online, you find different stories on Hip hop, rap and trap, this is why fans go off at each other with limited information concerning the subject. But, this also doesn’t make Emtee’s tweet factual, does it?
One tweep wrote: “There’s a docu on the birth of hip hop and I can tell you that you’re capping bro. Hip hop was birthed by a American-Jamaican dj Kool Herc in Bronx NY known as “Boogie Down Bronx” but with history at hand Hip hop was birthed by Jamaicans, Hip hop is black Emtee.”
The other one wrote : “Hiphop was founded in New York and its origin is in Africa. All elements of Hiphop originates from Africa, in a nutshell there wouldn’t be hiphop without Africa. The rap side is still 100 % African, Rhythm and Poetry is in our blood you can trace it from away back.”
From the quoted statements above, it shows why such topic always sparks debates amongst Hip hop enthusiasts.
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