Big Xhosa On Why He Is The Best Choice For A Rap Battle Over A-Reece & Cassper

Big Xhosa On Why He Is The Best Choice For A Rap Battle Over A-Reece & Cassper. Big Xhosa will undoubtedly come up when discussing a self-made South African rapper who is determined to make it on his own without receiving any type of assistance. Without the aid of a record company or anyone else with clout in the industry, the rapper has promised to establish himself as one of South Africa’s most renowned rappers.

Big Xhosa has asserted that, in rap battles, he is a superior rapper to Cassper and A-Reece. This happened when one of the Twitter users questioned on the timeline who the finest rapper is for rap battles between Cassper, A-Reece and Big Xhosa. “You’re going to a Rap battle and you have to choose one Rapper to back you up.. Choose one!” Read the tweet.
In response, Big Xhosa claimed that he is the obvious choice for a rap battle because A-Reece is always high on weed and Cassper lost his superpowers after he removed the ponytail. “Easily Big Xhosa… the other guy is high on weed. The other guy lost his super powers when he took off his ponytail. So Big Xhosa coz he can make you laugh sometimes and got bars for days. Most talented rapper in SA is Big Xhosa. Not saying this coz it’s me but it’s true.” Tweeted Big Xhosa.
Big Xhosa is currently topping the trends on Twitter following the release of his track Again and God Did freestyle. The rapper has announced that he will be dropping his first ever body of work next month and he has warned all SA rappers like A-Reece to avoid releasing at the same time. The rapper claimed that he has the best project and he is going to steal the limelight come the 14th of October.