J Molley Opens Up About His Failed Suicide Attempt

J Molley Opens Up About His Failed Suicide Attempt whilst celebrating his 25th birthday. In a detailed social media post the Almost Dead rapper wrote;
“ Happy birthday to me. About a year ago I died on the operating table after a suicide attempt choking on my own blood coming out my nose and mouth. By a miracle I was brought back to life and fought for 4 days in ICU. My girlfriend saved my life and got me out that bathroom into the ambulance with the help of my close friends. I then hit rock bottom as if I thought I had already.
After being admitted into a psychiatric prison cell against my will, 24/7 lockdown for a week with nothing but me. Worst thing I’ve ever been through but it made me stronger than ever.
I haven’t been suicidal ever since and today I celebrate another year on this earth. If I can make it out so can you. I’m here for a reason ain’t no doubt ❤️ Can’t wait to see how fate plays out.
He closed off by saying “Thank you for all the birthday wishes and the love ❤️ I’ll tell the whole story one day. Show me some love in the comments let’s celebrate life today!”