Duncan Vents His Frustrations Over Music Piracy

Duncan Vents His Frustrations Over Music Piracy. Musicians now have a better edge when it comes to music dissemination because of the internet. The twist is that they end up being pirated. Music piracy has always been a virus that has been killing most artists and not only in Mzansi Africa but worldwide. SA rappers like Duncan will not get tired to speak against it.

Rappers Duncan and Zakwe, collaborated in 2020 to release their 15-track joint album, “Zakwe & Duncan,” which was highly welcomed by their fan base. Problems were raised for the rapper as the album did not perform to expectations due to music piracy.
Taking to Facebook, Duncan stated that he and his peer rapper Zakwe delivered a solid body of work but he felt let down by the people in the township. The rapper lamented that instead of getting enough support they fell victim to music piracy.
The rapper continued by claiming that the same fans who were downloading songs illegally were also the ones who contacted them inquiring about gold and platinum certificates. “saninika album esolid but you guys failed us no support nagijima nayo ko FAKAZA mase nijika niyabuza kanti nilishaya nini Gold/platinum? How nibe nisifakaza? Le album sayenza ngo thando nokuvusa Irap yase kasi but ikasi lahluleka kusivusa so ningasi blame manisibona sesihambela kude nekasi,” which translate to;
“Saninika album is solid but you guys failed us with no support. I run with it and FAKAZA and then I ask, what did I beat Gold/platinum? How can I not testify?\n We did this album with love and resurrecting the rap of the township but the township failed to wake us up so don’t blame us when you see us walking far from the township,” he wrote.

This is not the first time that Duncan has come and spoken against music piracy. The rapper once pointed out how the music is getting leaked by piracy sites. Duncan said that piracy websites got hold of artists’ songs when record label place them on digital platforms.
“How does FAKAZA get people’s songs before they release them? ANSWER is simple the time a company sends links to album or song to digital stores, that is where you witness the one who takes songs,” he said. He went on to say that unfortunately, no one knows the person behind that website.

“If you release an album start with the hardcopy. Pirates sites will not release your album first because they do not have it they work through digital stores,” the rapper said.