Chris Brown Denied Entry Into Japan Due To Pending Gun Charges
Well this is a bummer, Japan has decided to put Chris Brown’s tour on hold.
The muso’s show in Tokyo was set to take place next week but the Japanese officials have denied Brown’s application to enter the country on a working visa.

According to TMZ, the Japanese officials are concerned about the pending gun charges that have been laid against Chris. It was reported last month that Brown allegedly pointed a gun at a woman’s face in his Los Angeles home.
He was later arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon following on hours-long standoff with police. When approached about the incident, Chris simply said that the woman’s story was fabricated. His lawyer later added that police did not find any weapons in his home during their search, and that authorities are now dragging the case against Chris.
This is not the first time Brown has been denied entry into a country. Last year Australia also attempted to deny his visa application due to his history of domestic violence.
Japan is said to have a low tolerance for foreign visitors with “criminal backgrounds and open cases.”
A source close to Brown says that he might reapply for the Japanese visa one more time before the tour dates, September 26th and September 27th.