AKA’s Family Lawyer Defends Don Design

AKA’s Family Lawyer Defends Don Design. Following the tragic death of SA hip-hop artist AKA, it is now nearly impossible to go through social media without coming across CCTV evidence of the dead rapper being shot.

But it didn’t take long for social media gumshoes to narrow in on AKA‘s colleague, and friend Don Design, who was seen on security camera footage from outside of the restaurant just before AKA was shot and murdered.
Taking from the CCTV footage, Don Design can be seen moving up and down close to the white Hyundai H1 minibus. His behaviour and hand motions appeared out of place, according to the social media investigators with some posing that he was in cahoots with the gunmen.
In an interview with Afrika Newsroom, AKA‘s family lawyer Rudolph Baloyi stated that everyone is looking for answers and he is aware of the accusations towards AKA’s friend Don Design. “At the end of the day everybody is looking for answers, even though some of Kiernan’s close friends have now received a lot of blame, there are many people analysing the videos. I have seen a lot of comments about Don Design who is Kiernan’s DJ who he travelled with almost everywhere,” he said.
Baloyi stated that he spoke with Don Design and that people should not hold him responsible for AKA’s murder since he is not that type of person. “I’ve spoken to him last night and I spoke to him yesterday he was also at the house. So you know people are blaming him for this thing but then we all know that Don Design is not that type of a person. He is almost like a child to the Forbes that’s why he is welcome at the house and no one is pointing any fingers at him,” he added.
Not only has Don Design received support from AKA’s family, but Da L.E.S who has been a close industry friend to AKA also took to Twitter and defended the prominent hip-hop DJ. “Please leave @dondesign alone. He had nothing to do with this. He’s always had Kiernan’s back and side from beginning till end. He’d never do anything to hurt him. He’s been through enough! LEAVE HIM ALONE HE NEEDS TO HEAL! We all do,” tweeted Da L.E.S.