Yanga Chief Rips At Nota Following Claims That AKA Was Betrayed By His Friends

Yanga Chief Rips At Nota Following Claims That AKA Was Betrayed By His Friends. The CCTV footage showing how the famous rapper AKA was murdered has sparked massive and never-ending debates on Twitter.

The pop star was with his crew when a gunman approached and shot him at close range, effectively ending a successful music career. Lavida NOTA is one among many who have shared their views on what they think transpired leading to the murder of AKA.
NOTA, who is notorious for constantly speaking his opinion and has vocally abused AKA at some point, believes that everyone who was with AKA at the time, aside from Tebello “Tibz” Motsoana (who died with him), should be held accountable for the rapper’s passing.
Taking to Twitter, Yanga Chief who was AKA’s close industry friend firmly condemned the allegations that the Supa Mega was betrayed by his friends. Yanga criticized individuals like Nota for promoting the idea that Supa Mega’s friends betrayed him.
“You’re not gonna push some narrative that aKa was some kind of fool who was betrayed by his friends just so you can feel better about being an out and out hater while he was still breathing!!! You are the enemy Msunu!!! We don’t fuck with you!! Bozo!!! Neither did FORBES!!!” Tweeted Yanga Chief.
In response to one of his Twitter followers who remarked that people are theorizing based on what they see in the CCTV footage, the rapper stated that the screenplay has its own flaws and hence is insufficient proof to establish that the individuals with AKA were complicit in his death.
“Don’t tell me about a f*cken clip!! It’s not a movie!! No one knows how they’ll act when a gun goes off! And the video has infra red. In reality it’s dark as fuck on that street!! Niggas can barely see each other! We not put in the club worried about shooters!! Wtf!!” Yanga tweeted.
In another tweet, Yanga Chief took a jab at Nota stating that Nota was turned away at AKA’s home yesterday after claiming that he is SABC. “You were turned away from Kiernan’s home yesterday!!! (Claiming you’re SABC). Next thing your accusing everyone of BS. You’re pathetic! Always have been and always will be!! Fuck you Nota!! We don’t need you!!! Never did never will!! You’re a fraud!!” Said Yanga.
Yanga Chief went on to warn that anyone circulating conspiracy theories about AKA’s shooting is undermining justice by deflecting attention away from the true perpetrators. “As far as I’m concerned anybody spreading conspiracies is PURPOSEFULLY deviating attention from the REAL killers and is essentially defeating the ends of justice by trying to muddy the FACTS. What’s done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light!!!!” He added.