Inside Jub Jub’s Strict Parole Conditions

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know Jub Jub is out of prison and already released a record breaking “apology” song. But is he really a free man? Inside Jub Jub’s strict parole conditions.
According to reports, Jub Jub is living at his mother’s place and is under strict parole conditions which are being kept mum by the The Department of Correctional Services.
“We don’t reveal parole conditions as there is a risk factor and we also have to ensure proper reintegration into society,” said Correctional Service’s Singabakho Nxumalo.
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Jub Jub’s neighbors told a local publication the rapper has not left home since his release over a week ago. They however did confirm to seeing him in his mother’s backyard.
“A police car comes in every day. It is not the same time and we understand they don’t inform Mama Jackie when they are coming,” the neighbors told a local publication.