A-Reece Warns Against Disrespect Towards Jay Jody

A-Reece Warns Against Disrespect Towards Jay Jody. Jay Jody is one of the South African rappers that has received widespread disdain and criticism within the rap game. Jody might not be most people’s favourite rapper in South Ah, but one thing for sure is that his young brother A-Reece is his biggest fan.

Despite being the most followed rapper among them, A-Reece has always been there for his brother Jay Jody. Taking to Facebook, A-Reece issued a stern warning towards people who have been disrespecting Jay Jody. The rapper stated that he is not forcing anyone to respect his brother, but he also stated that anyone who violates his order would face consequences.
“Please respect Jay Jody, you don’t have to if you don’t want to but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” wrote A-Reece. Jay Jody has been heavily accused by Nota of riding on A-Reece’s wave but he said he sees nothing wrong with that because they are family and that is what family should do.

“I don’t know how you were raised n*gga but we are family, we do everything as a family, you’re supposed to take care of your family,” said Jay Jody responding to Nota’s accusations.
Jay Jody said that it was A-Reece that suggested they work together. “People think all these things are like I am the mastermind behind it. First of all, you all are underestimating how clever A-Reece is … he was the one who came to me saying we are about to do a collabo tape and I was like; ‘No, that’s not going to be a tape, it’s going to be an album.” He added.
“That’s two brothers coming together, working on something. So if he says I’m riding on that, of course, it’s fine, that’s my brother, why the hell not? If I was in that position, I would want to do that too … for me, it’s like, that’s my family. I would do the same thing for him, he’s doing the same thing for me. My dad would want this, my mom wants this, so we don’t care about you brother.”