Producer Rich Mahogany Highlights Key Questions SAPS Should Explore To Gather Information On Who Killed AKA

Producer Rich Mahogany Highlights Key Questions SAPS Should Explore To Gather Information On Who Killed AKA. AKA was gunned down outside the Wish restaurant in Durban, prompting social media users to demand justice with the hashtag #JusticeForAKA.

Taking to Twitter, AKA‘s Executive Producer Rich Mahogany joined the movement but he went on and highlighted the key questions the police should be exploring to find AKA killers. “The question is a very simple one. Who hated Kiernan enough to have him killed? Who had motive? Who has resources? I think if we can get those answers we will be closer Nyana. Who did he upset? We need answers.” Tweeted Rich Mahogany.
Ever since the passing of the Supa Mega, Mahogany has been the most vocal amongst those who have worked with AKA. The famed producer stated in a tweet that South Africans are living in a mafia state as he pinned all the blame on Minister of Police Bheki Cele.
“We are living in a Mafia state and our Police minister is complicit. That guy has to go. We don’t feel safe, we live in fear and he does absolutely nothing. In fact we got your thinly veiled threat loud and clear Bheki.” He tweeted.
Even with all the warnings that came to him from some of his followers to criticize the authorities, Mahogany echoed that he doesn’t care about it and AKA would have done the same for him. “They must finish all of us if they want. Kiernan would never let me go just like that. I owe it to him. If we let this go our kids will never be safe koz lord forbid they upset someone. Then what? They must die. Fuck that.” He wrote.