“Don’t Be A B*tvh!” Moozlie Blocks Every Troll On Her Mentions

“Don’t Be A B*tvh!” Moozlie Blocks Every Troll On Her Mentions. With all the B.S in the world, the last thing anyone needs right now are people coming with all types of negative energies on your social media and Moozlie is not with that vibe period!
A number of women have lost their lives recently from domestic violence at the hands of their partners and social media has been calling for justice to be severed for all these women on account of their brutal murders.
The rapper let it be known that she is not in the mood for people coming up in her mentions with insensitive energy at such a sombre time stating that ‘people’ must stop being ‘b*tches as she will be going on a blocking/muting spree if anyone dares.
“Also just so you know upfront, when come back, I’m going to mute & block every single person talking sh*t in my mentions. Women are dying! Don’t be a b*tvh!” she said
Moozlie has been very vocal about her views on domestic violence and how men are “disgusting” for such cruel acts against women in a heated debate with tweeps who seem to have a different opinion.
Here are Moozlies fire responses to the #NotAllMen gang.
You have been warned.
By Sinakho Mandla