AKA Mentions The Song He Feels Is The Best To Come Out Of 2019 And It’s Not Umlilo By DJ Zinhle

AKA Mentions The Song He Feels Is The Best To Come Out Of 2019 And It’s Not Umlilo By DJ Zinhle. Have you been wondering what song your fave Mega has been bumping a lot lately? Well, now you about to know because he has revealed his 2019 favourite track.
In the past few months there have been debates on which genre pops the most between Amapiano and Hip hop. It even got to a point where rappers and DJz went to a little bit of back and forth with discussions.
It was later assumed that Hip hop artists feel threatened by the genre. Judging from the way Amapiano have taken over, it’s no surprise.
Supa Mega is one of the people who raised a view of dope he thinks Amapiano is. To emphasize on that, he revealed that his 2019 big song is Labantwana AmaUber.
From all the songs released this year under this newly invented genre, AmaUber is the biggest, most played and most loved song.
“That fuckin’ Uber song is the best song to come out this year. Hands down,” wrote AKA.
Judging from the reactions for the song, it might just be the song that introduces us 2020.