Flvme Trolls Gigi Lamayne For Hosting His Ex-girlfriend On Her POV Podcast

Flvme Trolls Gigi Lamayne For Hosting His Ex-girlfriend On Her POV Podcast. Flvme and his ex-girlfriend have been on each other’s throats ever since they broke up. Ashleigh got most people’s attention on Twitter after she dragged the men in SA hip hop.

Her deleted tweet made tweeps join the dots and it made sense since it was linked to his ex-boyfriend Flvme. “ONLY dizzy girls date rappers in South Africa. I was one of them, never again. You can’t be broke, homeless and a rubbish all at the same damn time, choose 1.” She wrote.
Ashleigh hasn’t stopped talking about her relationship with Flvme on social media; most recently, she discussed the circumstances of their breakup in an interview with Gigi Lamayne for the POV Podcast. During the interview, Gigi Lamayne claimed that she didn’t know about Flvme until he started dating Ashleigh. “Can I also put something on record, I didn’t know about him until he was with you,” she said.
Responding to the interview, Flvme took to Twitter and trolled Gigi Lamayne as he took a dig at her music. “HOW BAD IS THE MUSIC FOR YOU TO START A WHOLE SHOW ?” Tweeted Flvme. Gigi Lamayne did not let this one go away without responding. The Set In Stone chanter also responded with a long Twitter thread.
Gigi defended her podcast, pointing out that it’s another source of income for her. The rapper also made it plain to Flvme that he didn’t have to wait for endorsement deals in order to make a lot of money as a rapper. Gigi Lamayne also boasted about how much she had accomplished in her work and how often she had appeared on radio and television.
“If you’re aspiring to be wealthy , look for multiple streams of income. Imagine if I just stuck to music ? Endorsements, other talents, qualifications I got . Google and read about me !! … I’m on radio and tv and gigging like crazy after years ! ” Tweeted Gigi Lamayne.
She added; “BUT my appetite for money cannot be satisfied. Make your money And don’t let them tell you how. I let go of other peoples rules ages ago !! Say what you may but I’m in your faves face and on their necks.”