A-Reece Explains His Role As Executive Producer On DJ Clen’s ‘Viral’ Album

A-Reece Explains His Role As Executive Producer On DJ Clen’s ‘Viral’ Album. A-Reece, widely known for his lyrical prowess, recently took on a new role in the SA hip-hop industry as an Executive Producer on Clen’s album.

The move surprised and excited fans of both artists, sparking intrigue about A-Reece‘s involvement in the project. Speaking during an interview on SlikourOnlife during the album launch, Reece was asked to explain his Executive Producer role on the album.
The rapper said that he didn’t know what Executive Producing was when he took that role during the making of the Viral album. However, he stated that he was the one who advised DJ Clen on which artist to include on a certain record or beat as well as arranging the album tracklist.
“Im gonna be honest with you bro, I didn’t even know what Executive Producing was when I suggested to Executive Producer’s album,” he said. “But basically what I mostly did was help him curate the records, like advise him on the people he could put on for specific songs. Like [this cat would go well with this guy you know and with this guy on hook type sh*t.]”
“Sometimes it’d be a situation where it’s like, I’d pick a beat and I’d be like yo I think this beat would work for a song with this concept and maybe if you have this guy do it will come into fruition you know. Stuff like that, and also arranging the tracklist which is very important,” he added.
Above all the work he did on DJ Clen’s album, A-Reece gave credit to the latter for trusting him to work as the Executive Producer. “Shoutout to my brother Clen, shoutout to you for being like [yo Reece I need you on board and I need you on Ultra Focus mode. I’m just grateful to be in this position right now because I love music bro,” said a cheerful A-Reece.