Roiii Delivers A Forthright Message To Upcoming Artists

Roiii Delivers A Forthright Message To Upcoming Artists. Emerging musicians encounter several hurdles as they endeavour to carve out a position in the music industry’s ever-changing landscape. In this environment of uncertainty and competitiveness, seasoned artists frequently play a critical role in guiding the next generation of musicians.

Taking to Instagram, Skhanda World’s last born, Roiii stepped up to deliver a forthright message to upcoming artists, offering them valuable insights and motivation to navigate their paths to success. In his message to upcoming artists, Roiii emphasizes the importance of resilience and self-belief.
The Lavida Loca hitmaker recounted meeting an upcoming artist who’s on the same path he was on a few years ago. The rapper indicated that he did not sell the young man dreams, rather he gave him words of motivation to never give up on himself despite the challenges that come with being an artist.
“Met this young king in the streets of Pirara shooting an emergency video because I was in Mpumalanga for some other sh*, ion know why but he reminds me a lot ‘bout myself, he’s got passion and I didn’t sell him no bull* about getting him signed or whatsoever,” wrote Roiii.
“I’m telling you about this young king because I wanted to tell all the young kings out there who want to be in a similar position as me, if not better… THIS thing we call Music can have you thinking it’s a curse, a curse that’ll have you sleeping late, working for little, running around to keep up, losing friends, starving for recognition and much more.
“Young king nobody ever said this life is easy, choosing this path is one of the hardest paths you could take up. This phase is what the very icons you believe in had to go through to become the stars they now are. Everyone has to go through the tribulations, nobody is exempt from that. This is the curse of the talented, this is how the game tests if you’re worthy of its spoils.” Roiii added.
“Mommy and daddy can’t keep you from this. But in the same breathe if this gift, this talent, this blessing is really really yours then you have to do everything to protect it, you might think you’re small today and that’s okay to wave away somethings that are rightfully yours to get you to the next level, but I’m here to tell you that YOU are your music, therefore fight and protect your music like you would your physical self.
“Diamonds are found underground in the dirt, diamonds don’t have value until they’re on the surface, if you want to be valued for what you truly are then you’ll have to dig yourself out. BE A STAR.“