
Priddy Ugly Addresses Claims That He’s Promoting Gangsterism Following Release Of “NTJA’KA”

Priddy Ugly Addresses Claims That He’s Promoting Gangsterism Following Release Of “NTJA’KA” Following the recent release of his latest single “NTJA’KA,” Priddy Ugly has become entangled in a whirlwind of controversy.

Priddy Ugly Addresses Claims That He’s Promoting Gangsterism Following Release Of “NTJA’KA”

The song recognized for its unfiltered portrayal of street life and hard-hitting lyrics, has sparked allegations of promoting gang culture and romanticizing violence in the South African music landscape. The award-winning rapper renowned for his introspective lyrics has been compelled to address the rising concerns head-on.

Taking to Twitter (X), Priddy Ugly made it clear that Ntja’ka is not gangster rap, rather it’s a joint he’s addressing real-life issues affecting South Africans on a daily basis. In his deference, the rapper went on and outlined the statistics that back up what he is saying in his track.

“I’ve seen this discussion pop up quite a bit, here are some stats. More than 6 200 people were killed between January and March this year. The overwhelming majority of victims were adult men, with 969 women and 245 children murdered.

“In SA townships, more than 50 dead bodies a day are passed by children on their way to & from school. This is not gangster rap, it’s rap about our South African surroundings, in real time. Please be safe, learn to love one another.” Wrote Priddy Ugly.

Despite facing considerable criticism for his raps, Priddy Ugly remains dedicated and determined to complete his final album. The father of one, recently declared that he will be retiring from music after the release of his upcoming album titled DUST.

“This is not coming from a place of resentment, a dark place or for pity sake, this is not promo – I can indefinitely assure that [DUST] is the absolute LAST Priddy Ugly album EVER. I want to be very clear on that. Thank you,” said Priddy Ugly.

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