Magistrate Warns Jub Jub To Appear In Court In December Or Face Arrest

Magistrate Warns Jub Jub To Appear In Court In December Or Face Arrest. Jub Jub is set to appear in court in December for a trial after he was charged with 13 accounts of attempted murder, rape and assault.

The famed rapper and Uyajola 9/9 show presenter appeared in court today (8 November 2023) but his case was postponed to December 11 by Magistrate Betty Khumalo. However, according to IOL, Jub Jub’s lawyer Terrence Ntsako Baloyi addressed the court stating that his client would not be available on the scheduled date as he will be fully booked.
“Your Worship, regarding the issue of the 11th (of December) he is indicating some form of unavailability. I am not sure if the court would want me to turn into the details,” Baloyi said addressing the court.
Magistrate Khumalo intervened, affirming that she had already delivered a ruling and couldn’t overturn it as the date had already been proposed. “Can you indulge me on what is it that is a matter of life and death (which makes Jub Jub unavailable in December)? What is the valid reason? Put it appropriately.”
As per IOL, the attorney mentioned that the famed rapper won’t be available as he will be on a music tour from 2 December to 11 December 2023. Responding to Baloyi’s plea, an unimpressed Magistrate Khumalo lashed out arguing that Jub Jub’s lawyer participated in setting the next court date hence she will not reverse her ruling.
“When you proposed a date to me, have you not consulted? Already, I have made an order. You see? I am not inclined to change my order. That date should not have been proposed from the onset if you knew that your client would be unavailable,” an angry Khumalo said.
The magistrate further stated that the rapper should face the court in December or a warrant of arrest will be issued. “If your client is not available, a warrant of arrest will be authorised. You will have to see to it. The case stands down for December 11.”