Riky Rick’s Mother Opens Up About Her Reaction To Her Son’s Death

Riky Rick’s Mother Opens Up About Her Reaction To Her Son’s Death. Riky Rick’s mother Louisa Zondo wrote a book titled ‘Dearest Mariky: A Mother’s Journey Through Grief, Trauma, and Healing.

The book describes Zondo’s anguish following the loss of her son Rikhado “Riky Rick” Makhado. Taking from her book MaRiky revealed her reaction after learning the news about the passing of her dear son.
“I cried out from the depth of me: ‘My son has died! Oh God my son has died!’ All the energy flowed out of my body as each breath turned into a sob,” wrote Louisa Zondo. She went on to say that she needed to gather strength so that she could tell other family members including Riky Rick’s aunt, who was in charge of family matters.
“I gathered myself and realised the rest of the family had to be informed. His maternal aunt Makhadzi Denga Makhado was the overseer of all family matters. After calling and greeting her, I established that she was home and asked if she was seated. After she told me she was in bed I delivered the news,” MaRiky added.
Louisa Zondo stated that she was filled with hope after Bianca notified her that Riky has been rushed to the hospital. “The notification of a call from Bianca interrupted my explanations so I apologized and disappeared to my son’s aunt. Bianca told me Bandile, Banele and Bheki were rushing Rikhado to the hospital, and that I should meet them at Waterfall City Hospital. I called Makhadzi again to tell her there was hope.”
Zondo revealed that all her hopes were shattered after she learnt that Boss Zonke was no more upon her arrival at the hospital. “My heart was filled with expectation as we arrived at the hospital and walked toward the entrance. When I reached the lobby, Sheikani called. ‘Hayi, he didn’t make it, Ma Rikhado is gone. I went down, prostrate on the ground. Every ounce of energy exited my body.”