Touchline Truth On Whether Being Compared To Pro Kid Is A Good Or A Bad Thing

Touchline Truth On Whether Being Compared To Pro Kid Is A Good Or A Bad Thing. In hip-hop, up-and-coming rappers often find themselves under the scrutiny of comparisons to established icons. Touchline has been the subject of such comparisons, particularly with the late Pro Kid.

During a recent interview on PopCast with Ms Cosmo, the rapper hailing from Tembisa delved into the topic of how being likened to his idol, Pro Kid, has influenced his rap career. “Coming in everybody wants to make their mark, but then you’re compared to somebody as great as Pro. Do you think that’s a good or a bad thing?” Ms Cosmo asked.
In response, Touchline Truth stated that it is a good thing because being compared to someone like Pro Kid means you are doing something right with your rap. “Definitely a good thing, if you are compared with anybody like Pro, that’s a big compliment that’s the first thing,” he said. “You have to have a certain level of skill for them to say that because he (Pro Kid) was probably one of the most skilled, he was top two you know.”
The Action Over Caption hitmaker also paid homage to the extensive time he dedicated to shaping his career, inspired by his childhood aspiration to emulate Pro Kid as a youngster from Kempton, Tembisa.
“So I definitely recognise that those many hours, many years that I spent listening to Pro and really copying him and trying to be like him in my formative years as a rapper,” Touchline said. “It actually sharpened me so much in terms of what I was able to do for my rap perspective and I think that’s where the comparison came from.”
Touchline also emphasized that the comparisons aren’t solely driven by fans; they also stem from individuals who have collaborated with Pro in his rap career. “The craziest thing about the comparison, they dont only come from the fans but they came from like people that worked with Pro very closely. People who discovered Pro. Selwyn, Amu. Gigi was mentored by Pro and she was like you actually embodied the spirit of Pro,” Touchline added.