This Is What Yanga Chief Believes Is Killing SA Hip Hop

This Is What Yanga Chief Believes Is Killing SA Hip Hop. Rapper Yanga Chief is the latest person to add their voice to the ongoing conversation around SA Hip Hop being dead or alive. The award-winning rapper has given his reason, as to what has killed the popular genre in South Ah. Yanga shared a tweet where he alleges that American hip hop being played more than hip hop from SA is one major killer of the genre.
The 200 hitmaker, tweeted that, “90% American hip hop sets also killed SA HIP HOP.” DJs in SA who play hip hop sets often have their sets consisting of popular American hip hop tracks and Yanga is not here for that and he is claiming that this is one of the biggest killers of the genre in SA. His bold statement, of course, got the Twitter streets talking. One tweep even asked Yanga does his statement mean he agrees that the genre is dead in SA or dying slowly. The rapper clarified that he does not think SA Hip Hop is dead or dying but admitted that Yanos have a bigger market in the country.

The award-winning rapper then went on to tweet about the battle SA Hip Hop has been fighting, which is American Hip Hop getting more exposure than SA Hip Hop. The rapper tweeted that “American Hip Hop is NOT SA Hip Hop.” He went on to explain that playing music from a popular American Hip Hop artist does not help build SA Hip Hop. “Playing Drake the whole night is NOT building SA Hip Hop.” A tweep responded to Yanga’s tweet and claimed that most SA artists want to sound American, so it is better to listen to the “Original versions than a fake one”. Not everyone agreed with the tweeps statement and another tweep shared that they love their SA “Americans” and can relate to their music.

Yanga sure got the Twitter streets talking with his tweet about SA Hip Hop, as several tweeps commented on the post and shared their view on the ongoing hot topic. One tweep even alleged that the lack of unity amongst SA hip hop artists actually killed the genre than American Hip Hop dominating sets. “Ur lack of unity amongst urselfs in the game destroyed yall u wer such a small vulnerable and still growing industry but yall chose to beef nd take sides that’s y i say the cassper and aka beef was ticking bomb towards the SA hip hop game,” tweeted the tweep. Yanga also agreed with the tweep but also added that fans bought into SA Hip hop beefs.