Rouge Reveals Which Of Her Music Video’s Will Be The 1st To Reach 1 Million Views On YouTube

Rouge Reveals Which Of Her Music Video’s Will Be The 1st To Reach 1 Million Views On YouTube. Rouge has revealed the news of her music video ‘Dololo’ that has been racking up the views on YouTube and is well on its way to one million views.
The rapper let it be known in a tweet that the music video is still increasing in views and is currently sitting at five hundred thousand views on Youtube.
Rouge also added that she thinks the ‘Dololo’ music video in particular will be her first to reach on million views. We are still shook that a hit song with dope visuals has yet to reach the one million mark on Youtube but in her fans and followers we trust.
Congratulations on reaching the half way mark and we’re ready and waiting to welcome her in to the ‘one million views on YouTube’ club.
By Sinakho Mandla