Zingah Sets Sights On YFM’s Coveted Hip Hop Show Gig

Zingah Sets Sights On YFM’s Coveted Hip Hop Show Gig. Zingah is aiming to land the prestigious role as the host of YFM’s premier hip-hop show. Recognized as a trendsetting force in urban music, the radio station boasts a substantial following, making this hosting opportunity extremely desirable for artists seeking to broaden their impact.

Taking to Twitter (X), the Dladla chanter posed a question asking who is currently hosting the YFM Hip Hop show, an indicator that he is also interested of being part of the show at the radio station. “Who is doing the Hip Hop show there @Yfm do they not need a new face? I know a Lawd who could bring it to life,” Zingah wrote.

Zingah has not been actively involved in music release in SA Hip Hop for a while, but his contribution to the culture through his Choppin It With Budha T Podcast has been immense as he has managed to unpack some of the most uncomfortable conversations in the SA rap culture.
With the experience he has acquired from being both in the game and as a podcaster, being part of the YFM Hip Hop show could add another layer of good content and discourse for SA Hip Hop which the game currently needs at this moment in time.
With that in mind, the rapper expressed confidence that he would bring some life to the genre if he managed to get a slot on YFM. “Could help bring some life to the genre, respectfully,” Zingah added.