Reasons Saucy Clapback To A Troll Saying He Is Doing Bad
Reasons Saucy Clapback To A Troll Saying He Is Doing Bad

Reasons Saucy Clapback To A Troll Saying He Is Doing Bad! Reason is undeniably one of the most respected names in SA Hip Hop who has been able to sustain his career for a rather long time.
The rapper attaining a celebrity status with “real rap” music also means he isn’t a fan favorite for most but also has his real ones. A troll recently went on Twitter trolling him and Priddy Ugly on their music.
“Reason always feels better when he starts remembering that there’s a rapper called Priddy Ugly doing way worse than him,” tweeted the troll. He then went on to state that a gig Reason is booked for is probably his only gig this festive season.
The rapper saw the trolls tweets and decided to comeback with a rather saucy clapback putting the troll in his place. “You have a profile pic of You taking selfies in malls like u ain’t got mirrors at home,” started the rapper before offering the troll a job at his agency.