
5 Reasons Why SA Hip Hop Isn’t Thriving According To 20 000 SA Hip Hop Fans

South African hip hop has seen a tremendous evolution over the years, captivating fans with its unique blend of local flair and global influences. However, recent feedback from a survey conducted by SA Hip Hop Mag reveals a concerning trend: the genre isn’t performing as robustly as it used to. We polled 20 000 fans from our WhatsApp channel, a vibrant community with 640,000 followers, to understand why. Here are the top five reasons, according to the fans, for the decline of SA hip hop.

1. Lack of Passion (4,800 votes)

A significant number of fans believe that the current crop of artists lack the passion that once drove the genre. They feel that many artists are no longer pouring their heart and soul into their music, which was a hallmark of earlier SA hip hop. This perceived lack of genuine enthusiasm and dedication is seen as a major reason for the genre’s decline. Fans miss the raw energy and heartfelt storytelling that made them fall in love with SA hip hop in the first place.

2. AKA Missing in the Game (2,100 votes)

The death of AKA, one of the most influential and beloved figures in SA hip hop, has left a noticeable void in the industry. Known for his charismatic presence and consistent hits, AKA’s contributions were pivotal in shaping the scene. Fans believe his absence has led to a lack of leadership and inspiration, which has contributed to the genre’s waning popularity. The industry misses his dynamic influence and the competitive edge he brought.

3. No Beef (1,800 votes)

Controversially, some fans argue that the lack of “beef” or rivalries between artists has contributed to the genre’s stagnation. Historically, feuds have driven creativity and engagement, pushing artists to outdo each other and produce high-quality content. Without these rivalries, the competitive spirit seems to have diminished, leading to a more complacent industry. Fans believe that a bit of healthy competition could reignite the fire in SA hip hop like it ignited hip hop with the AKA and Cassper beef.

4. Not Enough Music (1,800 votes)

Another major concern is the perceived scarcity of new music. Fans feel that the frequency of releases has dropped, leading to a lack of fresh content to keep the audience engaged. Regular releases help maintain momentum and keep the genre vibrant. The current drought of new tracks and albums leaves fans with little to look forward to, diminishing their excitement and loyalty. Amapiano on the other hand has multiple releases daily. Whilst we can’t realistically expect rappers to drop as soon and as much as Amapiano artists, rappers should do better.

5. Lack of Consistency (1,600 votes)

Consistency in quality and output is crucial for any music genre to thrive. Fans have pointed out that many artists fail to maintain a steady stream of high-quality music. Instead, there are sporadic releases with varying levels of production and lyrical quality. This inconsistency makes it difficult for fans to stay connected and loyal to the genre. They yearn for reliable, consistent artistry that keeps them hooked.

The feedback from our 15,000-strong fanbase provides a clear picture of the challenges facing SA hip hop today. The lack of passion, the absence of influential figures like AKA, the decline in competitive rivalries, insufficient music releases, and inconsistent quality are all contributing to the genre’s downturn. However, these insights also offer a roadmap for revitalizing SA hip hop. By addressing these issues, artists and industry stakeholders can work towards rekindling the vibrant spirit of SA hip hop that fans dearly miss. The passion, creativity, and dynamism that once defined the genre can return, propelling it to new heights.

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