Ntsiki Mazwai Explains How Die Antwoord Is ‘disrespecting’ the Xhosa Culture

Ntsiki Mazwai Explains How Die Antwoord Is ‘disrespecting’ the Xhosa Culture! The duo latest album cover depicts Ninja wearing a blanket used by the Xhosa’s for a cultural ceremony.
“That is not his (Ninja’s) culture. He is not Xhosa and he has no right to parade around pretending that he is. He cannot do as he pleases with our culture. This is very serious and we should take them to the Human Rights Commission for exploiting our culture,” Ntsiki said.
“He (Ninja) is not Xhosa man. He has not been to the mountain. He does not know what the blanket or the mud means. He is being disrespectful and is not representing South Africa or its cultures to the world like he probably thinks he does,” Ntsiki added.