
Jub Jub Resigns From MojaLove Amid Allegations Of Abuse and Contract Disputes

Jub Jub Resigns From MojaLove Amid Allegations Of Abuse and Contract Disputes. Jub Jub has officially stepped down as the presenter of Uyajola 9/9, a move triggered by what he describes as unbearable treatment from MojaLove’s CEO, Aubrey Tau.

Jub Jub Resigns From MojaLove Amid Allegations Of Abuse and Contract Disputes

In a letter addressed to Tau seen by Sunday World publication, Jub Jub, born Molemo Maarohanye, expressed his frustration over the years of alleged emotional and verbal abuse, claiming he was often treated as if he was worthless.

The outspoken TV host and rapper didn’t hold back, citing ongoing clashes before filming episodes as part of the toxic environment that made working for the channel unbearable. He emphasized that Uyajola 9/9 had strayed far from its original concept, with constant changes impacting the show’s authenticity and his ability to remain creatively engaged.

Jub Jub also pointed to contract breaches and the erratic nature of the production team, which he said stifled his creativity and made it increasingly difficult to work. His attempts to maintain a professional schedule by notifying the team in advance were ignored, further contributing to his discontent.

“Breach of contract. Unstable working environment (team changing, plans changing, last-minute changes which have affected my creativity over the years). Uyajola 9/9 has lost its DNA (authenticity) and that will result in loss of viewership, which I have spoken about multiple times,” he said.

“An email was sent way in advance on the 4th of August for the days that I would be unavailable for shooting to avoid inconvenience, but still I was sent a work schedule.

“I’ve been made out to be a difficult and unreasonable person to work with, whereas the work environment is not conducive,” he added.

Additionally, Jub Jub highlighted an incident where he was allegedly called a rapist by the channel without any proof, an accusation that left him deeply hurt. Feeling his grievances were continuously dismissed, even after his legal team intervened, he concluded that resigning was the only way to protect his mental and emotional well-being.

“With all of this, I have concluded that it is in my best interest to step down from my role effective immediately.”

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