Reason Bashes A Fan Supposedly Supporting Rape! Reason is not one to keep quiet about his views on the world especially when it comes to socially relevant issues.
The rapper recently got involved in an argument with a Hip Hop fan who had passed inappropriate comments on “statutory rape”. Reason did not cut the fan any slack sending a rather savage clapback at him for saying that a grown man having sex with a 15 year old in the club with her consent was not rape.
honesty, i do not condone rape, but this is not it in its traditional form. Practically sometimes there’s no way to identify some minors as minors especially because you found them in a club firstly, secondly how they carry themselves and down to how they look.. then what? https://t.co/GMUg5QXNmY
— true to self ? (@TruetoTp) September 26, 2018
“Wow! You went from “You dont have hits” to calling me “your fav”. What a weak ass nigga. Talking bout “we done” like this is a break up. Futsek! You were justifying pedophilia and I called you out for it. I DESPISE your fake support. Fuck off. And dont fuck NO kids either!,” read Reason’s clapback at the fan.
Wow! You went from “You dont have hits” to calling me “your fav”. What a weak ass nigga. Talking bout “we done” like this is a break up. Futsek! You were justifying pedophilia and I called you out for it. I DESPISE your fake support. Fuck off. And dont fuck NO kids either! https://t.co/RX9BdLRbvK
— #WuTang ?? (@ReasonHD) September 26, 2018