Nadia Nakai Shares The Last WhatsApp Conversation With AKA The Day He Died

Nadia Nakai Shares The Last WhatsApp Conversation With AKA The Day He Died. Nadia Nakai has been reeling in shock and devastation after losing the love of her life AKA who was murdered in Durban last month.

The two love birds never missed a chance to share their affection for one other, as Nadia Nakai revealed in their WhatsApp conversation the night AKA was killed. Taking to Instagram, Bragga shared a screenshot of her WhatsApp conversation with AKA with the two advising each other to be safe as they both had shows on the night of the murder.

Taking from the conversation, Nadia Nakai sent a chunk of messages to AKA asking him to send the Mbuzi Freestyle off the Mass Country album. Unfortunately, Nadia’s messages were not responded to as the Supa Mega was no longer in a position to reply since he was murdered. “The fact that these messages were never delivered because you were gone,” wrote Nadia.
It has been a month since Keirnan Forbes was brutally murdered, and Nadia Nakai has taken the time to remember her lover’s death. “It’s been a month, it feels like yesterday. Please can someone undo this.” She wrote on her Instagram page.
AKA has expressed numerous times his love for Nadia Nakai and it’s evident from some of the songs in his Mass Country album. In a video shared by Nadia of AKA rapping to Prada lyrics, the slain rappers stated he wished he could’ve met Nadia a bit earlier.