Nota Apologizes To Zoocci

Nota Apologizes To Zoocci! After making what most people are calling “ignorant” and “uncalled for” remarks about Zoocci on Tuesday, Nota has been making headlines and trends lists with Hip Hop fans weighing in.
Taking to social media Wednesday morning, Nota apologized to Zoocci for making fun of his vitiligo condition and to everyone who felt offended by his words.
“I apologize to Zoocci and all those I’ve offended… sincerely and unreservedly. I have texted Zoocci and sent him a personal apology as well which he has received, read and thankfully accepted. To all those I’ve disappointed: I know better, I will do better,” Nota said in his statement.

It seems Blaklez had a hand in Nota and Zoocci talking out their differences and Nota apologizing. Blacklez took to twitter sharing screenshots of his phone call to Nota and Nota’s apology post.
“Dankie boy. Thanks for your follow through. One day at a time. Modimo will restore. Phambili,” Blaklez tweeted.