Gigi Lamayne Reveals Her All-Time Hip Hop Inspiration

Gigi Lamayne Reveals Her All-Time Hip Hop Inspiration. Gigi Lamayne has had her own fair share of disappointments that have come with the hip hop game. The rapper made an announcement some time ago that she was quitting the game. The good news is that Gigi Lamayne managed to reverse her decision to leave the South African hip-hop scene. The rapper has stated that she is not abandoning hip-hop, but rather will be collaborating with musicians that specialize in different genres.

Recently, the rapper has shared a Tik Tok video mentioning that she is the best rapper alive, at the same time, she has revealed the inspiration behind her hip hop music. Gigi also shared pictures on her Instagram of her imitating the prominent US rapper Missy Elliot. The Ice Cream hitmaker shared how the American rapper has inspired her to become one of the acclaimed female rappers in South Ah.
“Image Inspired by @missymisdemeanorelliott music video, “The rain” – (1997). ? @skyjuice_photography . Growing up I was always a huge fan from mimicking her music videos and dances to knowing every single lyric to some of her most renowned hits. We cannot speak of “inspirational women of hip hop”, without mentioning this icon. She’s given artistic geniuses and musicians a run for their money to date. Nobody compares to this icon.” Wrote Gigi Lamayne

Gigi is well-known for her snappy rhymes and flawless flow, and she’s a valuable addition to the rap game. Her announcement about leaving hip hop after the release of her album “Mermaids and stuff” came as a shocker to many. But the prominent female rapper is on the verge of making a hip hop coming and we should be expecting more hit songs from her along with good collaborations as she has promised.