Lucasraps Vows To Bring His A-Game To Hip Hop This Year

Lucasraps Vows To Bring His A-Game To Hip Hop This Year. Lucasraps has been one of the most consistent SA rappers. The release of his project 031 To The World has proved to be the much-needed body of work for him to blossom in the SA hip hop culture.

Responding to one of the Twitter followers, Lucasraps vowed that he is ready to bring his A-game this year. The rapper has revealed that he is currently re-working on the music catalogue that he previously lost and he is ready to deliver great music.“@LucasRaps_SA BEEN having slappers from way back.”
“It sucks that I gotta re-work my whole catalog after having everything deleted. But 2022 I’m coming for everything. Everything that was taken from me. Literally everything.” Tweeted Lucasraps. Lucasraps has been all flames in his music, and whatever he is working his fans should be sitting on the edge.
The rapper’s periods of anticipation have actually culminated in something exciting. With the success of his album, Lucasraps has never fumbled to keep on delivering good music for his hip hop followers. The rapper has revealed that he has experienced his own fair share of mishaps that come with the rap game but he has vowed to maintain a high level of consistency.