DJ Binnz Speaks On New Single “Good Love” And Her Dream SA Hip Hop Collaboration

DJ Binnz Speaks On New Single “Good Love” And Her Dream SA Hip Hop Collaboration. Musicians are never weary of embracing the message of love in their craft. It’s not a surprise that DJ Binnz has chosen the same path with a new single titled “Good Love.” The song has been released just in time for the weekend featuring s Stino Le Thwenny and Caask Asid.

The new Sony Music family member spoke with SA Hip Hop Mag about the inspiration behind her first new release in the SA Hip hop game. “My inspiration around ‘Good Love’ is basically you know is that, everybody needs good love, everybody needs to experience good love at least once in their lifetime,” she said.
“I feel like its very important for us to allow ourselves to be vulnerable but also be vulnerable in a place that allows you to safely be yourself and to safely be vulnerable” Said DJ Binnz.
She further mentioned that having the chance to collaborate with Stino Le Thwenny and Caask Asid on the song itself is a sign of good love. “I also feel like it’s almost like a representation of the sort of a relationship that we have together for us to sit and decide that we can go further if we work together and we came up with Good Love, I feel like that in itself is love.” She said.
Binnz went on and promised her growing fanbase more music and collaboration revealing the prominent star she is aiming to work with. “Good Love is a first child of a lot more to come and it’s a step in the right direction for us and I definitely be releasing more music,” said DJ Binnz.
“In SA hip hop I will definitely go for K.O. She revealed. “K.O fully encapsulates what it means to be hip hop in South Africa.“
“He’s got all the right ingredients when you look at him you see South Africa. When you look at him you see hip hop and he is SA hip hop culture through and through with the vernacular, swag, he is for me the hip hop artist in South Africa would ideally look and sound like.” She said.