
Makwa Contemplates About Quitting Music

Makwa Contemplates About Quitting Music. Makwa has never shied away from the struggles he has been going through related to his music career. The rapper recently came under fire after calls were made towards him to go for rehab.

Nep Makwa The Producer
Makwa Contemplates About Quitting Music

The well-known hip-hop artist has stated that he is emotionally crippled and that his image has been shattered as a result of people’s unwillingness to let go of his past struggles.  “This has really hurt my image I mean I’ve even neglected myself because I’m like what the point of looking fresh whilst I’ll be called a drug addict,” he said.

Following a request from one of his Twitter followers for the producer to drop a new project, Makwa admitted that he is unsure whether he will make music again. “I don’t know about making music anymore bro.” Tweeted Makwa.

Makwa has been showing signs of not being interested in making music after he took to Instagram and made a cryptic post which raised alarm within the social media timeline. “Until We Meet Again,” wrote Makwa. Could this be the moment started contemplating making a decision to quitting making music or do anything music-related? Only time will tell what’s going on in his mind.

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